I play this game when I get into my car that I like to call: "where the fuck is everything in this vehicle?! I don't know how to drive this." It's a game I invented in September of last year, just about when I started driving an ambulance multiple days a week. Driving an ambulance, it turns out, seriously changes your life. And, I don't mean the patients and the calls and the cases change your life. I mean I truly no longer know where the gear shift, the overhead light, the windshield wipers, the emergency break, or the headlights are in my personal vehicle. You know, the one without the lights, sirens, or giant box on the backside for patients and paras. When I get into my car and drive away, I really don't know where I am. I play the game the most after I've been running emergent on a rainy day. I go to shut off windshield wipers and lose my headlights. This is probably the most common mistake I make. Another popular favorite, though, is trying to shi...
A True Crime Blog set in the Bloody Pacific Northwest