Alright, it's been a while, but I have been busy. Well, mostly. Five days a week at the hospital from 0630 to 1500 and four days a week at school from 1530 to 2200. So, a little busy. Anyway, I haven't had a lot to talk about. I can't really talk about the surgeries I am seeing--and I am seeing quite a few, mostly general--and there isn't a whole lot else going on in my life. I has become evident that I will need a second job. I'm going to have to pay about $2,500 to the school next semester. If I can't find some sort of supplement income via scholarship or grant, I'm going to have to make it myself. So, here's hoping I can find a part time gig that will fit my increasingly cramped schedule. Although, I really can't even begin to start looking because I am still in the orientation period at work, and I don't actually know how long that will last. Someone said something around a month, but nothing has been confirmed. Anyway, it would make it re...
A True Crime Blog set in the Bloody Pacific Northwest