Brace yourselves, because I just had the most radical idea: What if we treated other humans as if they were actual humans? I know, it's crazy. I am so sick of the platitude that goes around the health care world; the platitude that you should treat your patients as if they are a member of your family. "Treat them how you would want your mother to be treated." Or your grandmother; or your son; or your sibling; or whatever. How about we stop justifying our love for our patients by saying, "I just think, what if you were my (insert relative here)"? I mean, what is with this American culture of ours that we can't be kind without reason, that we can't show courtesy without receprocation, that we can't love without classifying it first? How about we treat patients with love, courtesy, and respect because they are our patients? Because they, too, are humans. And how about we take this idea and utilize it in every aspect of our lives, not just at work ...
A True Crime Blog set in the Bloody Pacific Northwest