Well, here I am, sitting in a university sports complex, waiting around to get paid to watch a basketball game. How nice for me. That's a pretty cool thing about EMS, that we basically get paid to be around. Our entire job is to be there, in case of emergency. So, sometimes, we just hang out. And get overtime pay for it, too. Win-win, people. That's what they call a win-win.
So, here's another useless post. I posted last night, posted the night before--see, I told you I would get back on the wagon, or whatever they call it in this instance. For some reason, all of the terminology I have on that sort of thing seems to have come from AA. Well, AA in the movies and television, anyway. I don't know what they say in the real AA. Probably some depressing shit, though. Probably nothing I want to hear.
So, I am working on some writing project again. Kind of like I said I would several months ago. Ha. We'll see how far I get this time. Maybe I can actually commit to something for once in my life. The thing is, I have wanted to be an author since I was six. SIX. As in, first grade. A baby. That was all I could really see myself doing, because, honestly, nothing else was all that interesting. But, the idea of getting to create my own worlds and my own people and then publish it for other people to see...that shit was fascinating. And fun. I always remember making books in first and second grade as being very entertaining. Maybe I was a weirdo.
I think I've talked about this before, so I am not going to talk about it much longer, but it's what's present in my mind right now. Writing--how much fun it always was for me, but also how frustrating.
I never thought I was any good.
I'm changing my mind about a lot of things I always thought about myself. Interesting, the things that come with age and life experience.
SO, yeah, gonna try again. Got some really cool ideas working. In the meantime, just working a lot. By the end of December, I should make more money in bonuses than I probably make in one pay period. We switched to a new schedule format and a few people aren't so pleased with it. So much so, they've quit. And, on top of that, we had more shifts than we had medics to START with. Add in all of the people jumping ship--I don't think there are really that many, but some of my coworkers have emphasized unhappiness with the new format that implies more dissatisfaction that joy (I personally have no problem with it so far. I was only scheduled to work three days this week. THREE DAYS. Of course, I worked six, but damn the opportunity to work less and make the same pay is a luxury I thought I would only get from changing careers.)--and we've got a ton of open opportunities for overtime. So they are bonusing that shit out. Hard. The partner and I are taking fast advantage. She's got a wedding to plan and I have a lifestyle to maintain. Ha. (I may have to quit or go without working for a while when school starts. Not sure right now. So, all the extra money is going to savings--well, except for the money that went to pay for this iPad, which, if I get back into writing and do it right, will pay for itself eventually.)
So, that's what's happening. Definitely loving working today. Nothing better than hearing the tones go off and knowing they aren't sounding for you. How...relaxing. ;)
I Tell You What!
Glad to see you made it back to the blog universe. I figured you would once tgiving break rolled around. Hope all is well!