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Showing posts from March, 2013

Every Siren is a Symphony

So, things are looking up as far as the job market goes. Second interview at [Big City Hospital] (you know, the one where they scan people ASAP...Hi Stephanie! That was for you!) next week. I wish it were this week, but the manager doesn't get back until Tuesday. The good news is, other than the HR lady LOVING me (she did, you guys...seriously...I wouldn't lie to you...), is that the hospital is hiring for three of the same position, all with similar hours that perfectly fit into my school schedule. Yay for that and here's to wooing another person with the power to employ. Another thing on that note: interview at [Other Big City Hospital]. You know the one. Seriously, most of you live in this city so you actually know the one. That interview is in two weeks and is for a CNA program, so it is a very good Plan B if Plan A and Plan A.0 don't work out. But, they are totally going to work out. TOTALLY. I'm trying to stay optimistic here, gimm...

I Don't Need Another Friend

When Most of Them I Can Barely Keep Up With Them Long time, no see. Sort of. I guess it's been a couple if weeks. My hiatus...hiatuses/hiati? Whatever, they've been longer before. I should probably try to write a few times a week, but honestly? There isn't a lot going on. Work/school/school/'s all kind of just a mesh of things. No real milestones to separate the days. Well, today I have one--thus the writing. I just had an interview for a position at [Big City Hospital]. By that, I mean big in this city. The one that I live in. I'm excited. It's definitely the best hospital in the city--sorry all of you fans of [Other Big City Hospital], but I don't like that place as much as I like this one. Therefore, getting the interview was kind of a big deal. I mean, it isn't for, like, the greatest job in the world. It's a job I have done before, being an OR orderly. Cleaning, organizing, bringing people to the ORs for their surgeries and things. Pr...

When Most of Them

Alright, I lied. I'm a liar. So, what else is new? I was out of work for about a month. And then, all of a sudden, I was working again five days a week. So far: it sucks. For two reasons. One, I was so lazy. So lazy for a MONTH. Waking up late. Hanging out. Reading and watching TV and reading. God, life was easy and cozy and, well, lazy. And now I have to be at work and I have to run around and I have to lift things and carry things and generally be useful. Sucks. The second reason is that this job has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with health care. Up until I worked my first shift there, that is what I thought I wanted. Remember? Remember when I said I was done with EMS and of course NOT healthcare but I was going to take a break from both and just learn to be a surg tech and get a bunch of money for doing something other than save lives? One day and I missed it. ONE DAY. I am weak. Take me back EMS. TAKE ME BACK. So, yeah. My excuse is that I love medicine. I love ...