So, things are looking up as far as the job market goes. Second interview at [Big City Hospital] (you know, the one where they scan people ASAP...Hi Stephanie! That was for you!) next week. I wish it were this week, but the manager doesn't get back until Tuesday. The good news is, other than the HR lady LOVING me (she did, you guys...seriously...I wouldn't lie to you...), is that the hospital is hiring for three of the same position, all with similar hours that perfectly fit into my school schedule. Yay for that and here's to wooing another person with the power to employ.
Another thing on that note: interview at [Other Big City Hospital]. You know the one. Seriously, most of you live in this city so you actually know the one. That interview is in two weeks and is for a CNA program, so it is a very good Plan B if Plan A and Plan A.0 don't work out. But, they are totally going to work out. TOTALLY. I'm trying to stay optimistic here, gimmie a break.
I ALSO have an interview for another type of work all together. This would be plan A.0...well, actually A.0 would be getting both [BCH] job AND this job so that I could, you know, have a lot of moneys, but just having this job would be a suitable A. Can you have two As? Like, Plan A the first and Plan A the second and then also Plan A.0 with a combination of the Plans A? I don't know if that is legal in the world of plans. I should ask someone who is a more avid planner than I. Who am I kidding? I wrote the fucking book on avid planning. I plan in my sleep (actually). So, anyway, this one is for customer service and it is for a shit-ton an hour (this isn't the term she used). The interview is tomorrow and I am psyched because of the shit-ton of money part but also because of the flexible schedule part. I do think, though, that because it is indeed for said shit-ton an hour, the job probably sucks. But, SHIT-TON. And, anyway, anything and everything I do right now is a means to an end. If I get on with either city hospital, it will definitely get my foot in the door so that I can transfer once I'm all certified as a surg tech and all, but ultimately all I can think about right now is money. And how I need it. In my pocket. For stuff and things.
Although, let's be honest, like completely: I'm still a little nitpicky about the jobs. Yes, I have stooped lower than I wanted to, but I still haven't stooped as low as I am capable of. I don't know what that says about the situation, but I am taking it optimistically. Optimism, people!
Every Tear's a Waterfall--It's a Waterfall
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