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My Heart is Full of Confetti

For a short week, it's been a long week.
Firstly, I have a respiratory thing going, which is just super. I can't really do much about it, so I am rolling with the punches. I've upped my allergy meds, which I had to do in the fall too thanks to this wonderful state. I hate this wonderful state. I am also restocked on Nyquil cough, which I only take at night. It's nice, because it has an added antihistamine and it also nudges me to sleep and keeps me asleep for six hours straight. It's pretty neat stuff. I don't take it frequently, but I did use it a little this winter when the cold would irritate my asthma and I would wake coughing in the middle of the night. Monday night I woke up coughing from allergy irritation, so the Nyquil comes back into my life. And, also, the help with the sleep! That's really the best reason.
Secondly, I had a microbiology test yesterday and today I have a pharmacology test. I'm kind of stressing about these courses, which I wasn't anticipating. I missed the first micro lecture because I went to visit Nancy in the hospital (she's good, by the way) and did NOT do well on the following exam. Yesterday, though I sat through the lecture and the review and breezed through the exam, I got a little speedy or cocky or something and misread two questions, thus answering incorrectly and dropping my grade. Not thrilled. In fact, kind of angry. I have a B now and if I don't get near perfect scores on the next two exams--including the final--I will keep that B. So I have to do that thing where I apply myself or whatever. I don't know what that thing is, but I am working on figuring that out.
Pharm is okay, right now. I have an A and I spent the time during surgeries today writing out all of the drugs from the section--two pages, front and back, single spaced--and going over the material. I am pretty confident, but I need to remember not to let that get to me and fuck me up. The good part of it is that I really actually enjoy studying pharmacology, so this isn't that much of a challenge to sit down and do it. Here's hoping it pays off.
I cannot wait for tomorrow night. I will probably fall asleep between seven and eight and go until mid-morning Saturday. It's the best.

Lately I haven't been interested in many other people. I am not sure what is causing it, maybe it's hormonal or overstimulation, but I just am very intolerant of Facebook and the same eight pictures posted over and over because you took all eight in a row and MUST SHARE THEM and pretty much anybody who wants to chat about anything that isn't my major interest: medicine. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to talk about you, and I don't really care what you thought was important to post on Facebook. Incidentally, I am still tweeting and Facebooking, but I can't seem to make myself sound anything other than frivolous. I feel like I need a break. No more "Like this in/if" posts and no more pointless status updates. I mean, seriously, no one cares that you are having a good hair day or that you feel like you need to share that with the world. It's so...irritating. And yet, I can't keep myself from checking it constantly. It's kind of disgusting.

Another thing you might find gross: I found a blister on the tip of my left pinkie toe. I'm kind of limping a little when I wear my flats. I don't know if it's from the walking I do or from the shoes I wear to do it, but talk about irritating. And a little bizarre.

So, that's what I've got. Eating candy for dinner because that's all I wanted and listening to some pretty damn good music. Not a bad way to spend a dinner break.
Now, to pass this test....

and Sparkles!


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