I'm supposed to be doing this more. To be fair, technically this is more because, before my last post, I hadn't posted in almost two years. So, this is progress. It doesn't feel like progress, but it actually is.
So, I spoke with my mentor today. We are getting the book done tonight for Kindle, so it should be available very soon--tomorrow is the goal--for download. I am going to make it for $5.99. Eventually, there WILL be hardback copies available--they are already formatted and ready to sell, but until I can buy a bulk batch, I won't be able to reduce the price to a reasonable level for all you lovely people that want one. So, look for that announcement in a few months.
In the meantime, I am going to start writing more. I want to get at least one short story up a month. And, of course, starting today, my part of The Skeleton Friend is done--other than actually uploading it on Kindle, which takes very little effort or time. This means I will start on Book Two officially. My goal is to have The Skeleton Girls published by the end of this year. So, keep a look out for announcements about that as well.
I am also going to put together a mailing list. You will get snippets from the new book, first access to short stories I publish, and all the little details and announcements concerning my burgeoning career and booklist. If you are interested in being a part of this, please email me or message me. I will begin setting it up shortly. Another thing you can keep an eye out for.
Other than that, there isn't a lot going on. I am genuinely exhausted. I got about three hours of sleep. I tried to get four-and-a-half, but after three-thirty this morning, I was wide-awake. Thanks, body.
I stayed up late getting the hardback formatted and finished. Again, I am sorry we can't get it out sooner. I am going to need a chunk of change to do that, so the biggest thing is going to be marketing this book the best I can to get it into the "well-selling" category. I am certainly not expecting the book to blow up overnight. I know it is going to take time, patience, tenacity, and a lot of networking, but I hope that by the end of this year I can consider myself a full-time writer, no-time scrub tech.
Zoscha would love having me home every day.
In three weeks, she and I will be on the road down the California coast to Phoenix for our Left Coast Crime Convention debut. I am more excited about this trip than I probably should be--I don't know if it is because of the convention, or because I really like road trips and I've never seen the California coast. I'm really excited to get going.
So, I am going to go try to work on something substantial--because, despite the fact that I only slept for three hours last night, I won't be sleeping until probably nine tonight.
Have coffee, will write.
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