Just got home from a very long road trip following two months in Boise. I think I may have slept for twelve hours straight. Now, I am having carrot cake for breakfast--leftover from last night's pizza delivery--and amusedly watching my dog's holy-shit-we're-home, early morning shenanigans. My espresso machine is still in the car, but the whole thing is a moot point without milk, and I have none in my fridge. I have nothing in my fridge, except a large jug of purified water and probably some horseradish sauce.
Before I left Boise and went on an insane road trip--Boise to Canton, Canton to Seattle, in six days or else because I had a job interview yesterday afternoon--I was thinking about starting to review--and when I say "review" I mostly mean "react"--the books I am reading here on this blog. Like I said, they would be reactions, more than anything. I am terrible at reviews. Usually, I don't do them at all, but the books I have been reading this year are books I consider highly important to the last century. Not necessarily classics, per se, but books that had an impact on the last 100 years. I started with Jurassic Park.
Now, it has probably been two solid decades since I saw the movie. Which would, FYI, have put me at around seven or eight. I believe this to be true. I know we rented it. That's about the best I can do.
So when I picked up this book, I had an idea of what I was getting into. I remember pretty vividly the tyrannosaur throwing the SUVs around like playthings and the raptors in the kitchen, but other than a few vivid snaps of Ellie crouching by a downed herbivore and that same T-rex blasting through foliage, I didn't remember much. They, like, grew dinosaurs, yeah?
So, I set out to read it.
I had never before read anything by Crichton, and for that, I am ashamed. I am so sad to learn that he died in 2008. I absolutely loved this book and I can't wait to keep reading more of his stuff.
More than enjoying the book, he inspired me as a writer. Read his bio, it is fascinating and fantastic. Definitely an excellent role model for aspiring best-sellers out there.
The book was so much more science-based than I was expecting. I knew it was about cloning giant extinct animals, but I wasn't expecting the heavy inhabitance of chaos theory. I absolutely loved the character of Ian Malcolm--although it could have been pretty reliant on my imagining him as Jeff Goldblum.
The book isn't about dinosaurs come back to life, or the sudden need to adapt as a species to their onslaught. No, it is about how mankind treats science and the Earth. We are setting ourselves up for the end, selfishly pursuing new scientific advancements that don't actually benefit the planet as an ecosystem. We are setting ourselves up for our own extinction, but worry not, for the Earth has endured worse and will endure again.
"You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could,
you didn't stop to think if you should."
I should have written this blog last week when the book was fresh in my mind, but circumstances and whathaveyou. Know that it was a remarkably philosophical piece--along with all the thrills of running from twenty-ton monsters--and well, well worth the read. It is a little long, but the writing is enjoyable and easy to put away so you don't feel bogged down by the immense amount of science that is necessary to pull off such an idea. I really, truly enjoyed this book and I think you will, too. I haven't gone back to watch the movie yet--I am waiting until after I finish reading The Lost World--but don't just watch the movie. Read the book. It will be worth it.
Overall, when I set the book down at the very end of it, I said--and still feel, "I am so glad I read this book."
Next up, I will react to Marcia Clark's memoir of the O.J. Simpson trial. EXCELLENT. Just putting that out there.
Now, I am currently reading The Lost World and live-tweeting my reactions. I don't tweet them constantly, just as they come. If you want to follow along, you can catch me on Twitter under the name Skeleton_Friend.
In final news, I bought a book about the main scientific basis for Book Two aka The Skeleton Girls. However, despite changing my address, it was delivered to Boise. So, I am still waiting for it. In the meantime, I am perusing Forensic Magazine. I have a bunch of articles I want to share with you, so hopefully I will get around to that soon. I promise, fans, friends, and readers, I will try harder to put out more blog entries. I have things to say, I just never find the time. I will do everything I can to rectify that. And as far as writing goes, chapter one is done and I am on track to complete the first draft by the first of November. I am planning on releasing the first edition of The Skeleton Girls on January 3, 2017.
Go read Jurassic Park!!! You will not regret it. :)
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