Hey guys! Big announcement!
I am turning this blog into a true crime blog!!!
Fucking exciting. And kind of terrifying, because it is actually a big endeavor. There is a lot of responsibility in writing about true crime. Honoring the legacies and lives of the victims while detailing the crimes that brought an end to those lives is a heavy weight. But, I have been thinking about writing true crime now for a couple of years and I think now is absolutely the time to make the transition. So, coming soon will be the first story in my true crime series.
The blog will focus on Washington State murders and abhorrent crimes. Everyone knows about Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer, which I will be covering, of course--because how could I not?!--but Washington is a haven of heinous crimes and there is a lot to discuss. True crime is so popular, I believe, for two reasons. First, because we want to understand how someone could do something so incredibly horrific as take a life, or in the case of a few murderers, become serial killers. It fascinates us and bewilders us. We want to know the psychology of a killer, see into their minds and be enlightened as to why they became what they became, how this happened to them. We seek to understand it, to identify and qualify it. Knowledge is power. Understanding is strength.
Which leads to the second reason: we want to protect ourselves. Statistically, women are more fascinated with true crime than men and it has been suggested this is because women tend to be the victims of abuse, rape, and murder. As women, as potential victims, we want to protect ourselves, learn from the tragedies that befell others. Even to find common ground with victims, an understanding of what it feels like to be a victim, a shared experience. If we have already experienced something traumatic, immersing ourselves in the world of true crime and thus in the lives of other victims can actually help us cope, help us heal. And we can learn to protect ourselves from the devil lurking in the night, or the charming guy with the injured arm who needs help to his car. Women recognizing that they are vulnerable is also allowing us to stand up and say, "no more." From the #metoo movement to My Favorite Murder, ladies everywhere are saying no to being victims. So, with this blog, I don't just want to discuss murder and the implications of it, I want to empower my fellow woman to stand strong, to refuse to be a victim, to kick and fight and never say die, and to probably get a knife and a dog with a mean bark (mine is a total chicken, but she has that scary bark and it has served us well). I hope that I can help women to feel their own strength, help victims to feel they are in a safe space to heal, and help everyone to understand a little better why bad things happen.
I hope someday, if all of this goes well, to add a podcast into the mix. It's something I have wanted to do for years as well, but I need to start small, and do the things that I can do now. To build this up from the ground floor.
I hope you guys tune in. I will be writing a new story each week and posting them on Wednesdays for now. So keep an eye out for the first one! I'm not going to spoil it, but I am definitely going to be starting out with a bang!
I don't have a fun catchphrase like the ladies over at MFM, but I guess if I did, it'd go something like "stay safe and get a big dog!" I dunno. It's all a work in progress.
I am still an author of fiction, so I will absolutely still be talking about what I am currently writing and what's coming next in that arena, so if you pop into the blog because you are a fan of The Skeleton Friend, I will still try to keep you updated on what is happening with the sequel, The Skeleton Girls, and my new, currently untitled, novel that takes place during a zombie apocalypse. Super excited about that shit! If you are interested in writing a review for The Skeleton Friend on Amazon, I am desperately seeking volunteers! You will receive a free copy of The Skeleton Friend for your Amazon review in either Kindle or eBook format. Just hit me up and I will send it along! The is also a Patreon set up to help support this blog and my writing. There will be exclusive content for patrons! :)
I am still an author of fiction, so I will absolutely still be talking about what I am currently writing and what's coming next in that arena, so if you pop into the blog because you are a fan of The Skeleton Friend, I will still try to keep you updated on what is happening with the sequel, The Skeleton Girls, and my new, currently untitled, novel that takes place during a zombie apocalypse. Super excited about that shit! If you are interested in writing a review for The Skeleton Friend on Amazon, I am desperately seeking volunteers! You will receive a free copy of The Skeleton Friend for your Amazon review in either Kindle or eBook format. Just hit me up and I will send it along! The is also a Patreon set up to help support this blog and my writing. There will be exclusive content for patrons! :)
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