First night ever at the station, doing a forty-eight. I am tired, but I can't sleep. Firstly, this whole thing is weirdly like camp. Secondly, I am insanely jittery from a breathing treatment I did so I wouldn't wake up coughing if I ever got to sleep.
I am tired. Definitely. Woke up a bit after five so I could be here by eight. Two hours in the car here and then most of the day in the truck. We ran a transfer to OKC which took forever and then ran a discharge and an emergency--that actually turned out to be an emergency. See, we thought the nursing home was full of shit, but when we pulled up to the ED, he suddenly went all ST elevated MI on us. Guess that explains the "shortness of breath," or maybe it was fate.
I've even had two whole meals today. Like, actual meals. I did just try to get some Cheetos from the vending machine, but apparently that wasn't meant to be, because I can't get them out. Some problem with the flaps you push up to open it...they won't budge. Super.
Anyway, that's all that's really happened. The other crew that's working this weekend is still on a transfer to St. John. It sure is taking them a while.
So, I am trying this whole online dating thing again, except that I hate it as much as I hated it the last time. It's extremely annoying. My phone is blowing up and I don't want to date any of them. I think I am done with online dating. I was told once that I was too young for it anyway. I don't know...I've only been back at it for, like, two days. Maybe I should give it more time?
Thirty-two and a half more hours until the weekend.
The glorious five-day weekend.
So close, yet so far.
Daryl Dixon is my Boyfriend
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