So, I started Without a Doubt , Marcia Clark's memoir of the Orenthal James Simpson murder trial, kind of thinking I had an idea of what went down. But, damn it, I was so, so wrong. First of all, let's address the negative media attention Marcia got throughout the trial. Oh, I'm sorry, a woman prosecutor is hard to swallow? What, can't comment on her questioning but oh, god, she changed her hair?! Yeah, America. DEAL WITH IT. The most sickening part of all is that nothing has changed (see: media reaction to Hillary's pantsuits). It is unbelievable to me that something so benign as the reproductive organs of a particular person can completely paint the way the media portrays them. I guess it shouldn't be unbelievable. It's been happening this way for centuries. But, c'mon, aren't we all a little bit grossed-out by now? She is more than her hair or her clothes or her goddamn vagina. Get. Over. It. Anyway, moving on. HOLY SHIT OJ ...
A True Crime Blog set in the Bloody Pacific Northwest