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I Know What's Good for Me

I was pretty sure when the government took almost all of my money last tax season, that I had paid my loans off, but last week I got a letter stating that I couldn't start the financial aid process because I was in default on one or more loans. Ugh.
My mom got the letter, read it to me over the phone, and subsequently tossed it--albeit accidentally--so I had to find out how to take care of it without any information directly in front of me. No internet, no working iPhone, no letter. Today, I finally got the time to look up the number and sit on the phone waiting for an operator. When he answered and I spouted off all of the information about me ever, he simply told me, "you're paid in full." What? No, they sent me a letter; told me I couldn't get aid; told me I was in default.
"Looks like you made a payment in February of (some amount in the 600s)."
Yeah, I thought so. You know, since I only got about $200 of that fairly large--for me--tax return.
He told me I do still have a balance...of $3.48. And they don't bug you to repay until it's over twenty. He thinks that could be why they told me I was in default, but I am not so sure. I am, instead, very skeptical that the defaults department and the people who shell out the money for Pell Grants are indeed on different pages. I am a pessimist. 
So, he is emailing me a letter saying I am NOT in default and he tells me this should take care of that. I just take it to the financial aid department at Tech and, voila, I have Pell. (Or do I?) Apparently the email can take a few days, so if I don't get it by Friday, I am finding their fax number and calling the government back.
If someone would just pay for this thing, life would be so much less complicated. How likely is that? Sigh.
So, other than the pending Pell money, I am almost all done with the paperwork portion of my enrollment in the surgical technology program. I have yet to get my immunizations all listed and my immunities proven, but that paperwork is with the pediatrician I saw basically all of my life. So, once they dig out my paper chart from the moldy, dusty boxes in some cellar somewhere, I should have that all filled out too. And then, like I SHOULD HAVE like, five years ago when I had to fill out the FIRST immunization form for a job, I will make a copy of the bitch and keep the original in my records. DUH.
Other than that, though, I just gotta work my ass off, both at my job and in this A&P class (if I take it and get a good grade, I don't have to take it at tech as part of my education in surgery, so that saves money and time).
I think I can handle that. It's the other million things I want to do before classes start that are going to be a problem. You know, the budgeting and the saving and the eating better and the exercising and the losing of the weight. All of those things, not as sure about. Absolutely I can work six days a week, twelve hours a day and barely shed a tear. But, ask me to budget my income or do a little cardio every day and life gets very hard. Like I say, I know what's good for me...

I'm Just No Good at What's Good


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