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A Poet, I Know It

This, my friends, is the first poem I ever wrote. It was a homework assignment for pre-AP English in eighth grade; Mrs. Bundy's class. It was meant to be a poem written from words (I think we had to select ten or so) found in Elie Wiesel's Night. This evening, I had dinner with my mother, and she spoke to me about my writing over the years and how she always felt I was a natural poet. Well, it got me thinking, and I ended up spending the last few hours honing my sleuthing skills to find the back-ups sent to me years ago from my forum and Only problem, I couldn't remember the name of the website, nor which email address I used all those years ago to set it up (I started writing poetry in 2001 and started broadcasting my work around 2003-2004, so basically, my 25-year-old mind had to reach back to my 13-year-old mind and figure out who the hell I was again). But, I came up with all of the answers I sought and more. I haven't been happier in weeks!--except, possibly, when spending any amount of time whatsoever with my puppy. Anyway, I found the backup with a good chunk of the old stuff, and this poem was in there, waiting to be remembered. 

Into the ghetto,
Settled for keeping,
Kept so “safe” from the foe.
Expulsion to hell!
Hell, there is no mercy.
No mercy for His children.
No mercy there.
Hell, where suffocation begins.
At the gates of hell.
Hell on Earth…
A mere furnace.
Burning hysterically.
The abominable stench settles on a haggard soul.
Where humanity slips from existence.
Slips away in vain.
Never before a faint so silent.
Screaming the name on liberty.
For revenge.
Cursing the bell.
The order of life.
Crying for orders to be lost.
For a world free of such agony.
For a world without.
So silent.
Hanged with the gallows.
Never such a fate so numbered!
Numbered to become ash!
To be the smoke in the air.
Haggard faces of anguish.
What’s left on the bone.
Unseen souls falling away.
Away into the bitter sweet night.
Liberating the pain.

And, this, my friends, is the last poem I ever wrote (officially), but I am wondering if that will soon change.

Will you be
the Body, warm in my bed:
my Somebody
to come home to?
Will you be
the quiet Sunday mornings:
my Saturday cartoons?

You can 
pick me up--
you want to.

The only problem I foresee, is that I was never a planner, never a strict editor or a long-ponderer of what felt right or what message I was creating. I always just wrote when I needed to write. And sometimes I resented it, thinking it kind of cliche and childish. I always thought poetry was second-best to prose, and fancied myself a novelist over a poet any day. But, these days, I kind of miss it. And I see where I was wrong. I don't know, maybe it is still childish of me, but maybe that is why it is so important. So, maybe soon the inspiration will hit me, and I'll be a poet once more.

(also, I reapplied with, if you are inactive for something like seven years, they tend to forget you like you forgot them and delete your profile and all your poems, luckily I found the back-ups--so if they once again accept me, you will be able to go there and read whatever I write when I write it, and whatever I wrote before that I feel like claiming as my own again)


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