Started: 21 March 2012 at 1411.
Today has been too slow of a day. It
needs to go by faster. It is only just after two and we have to go
until 1745 this evening. We're stuck down on fifteen. And it's our
Friday! Almost makes a girl want to say the “Q” word. Don't
say the “Q” word, dude!
I'm almost that
desperate to be done with this day, but maybe not quite.
The partner situation of the last two
weeks is almost completely sorted. It all kind of came to an ugly
head on Monday morning—a stupid but ugly head. Since then, they
haven't put me back on that truck.
And then I got a call. I shouldn't have even come close to saying the "Q" word.
(What's the "Q" word, you ask. QUIET. I can say it now, because I am off until Saturday. And, guess what? Other than potential thunder storms--awesome--I intend to have a quiet night. A nice, quiet night. Heh.)
So, anyway, I pick up now...and this is what I was going to say:
I've had a good couple of days. They switched some people around--sorry people--and put me on a truck with one of my favorite paras to work with. So, I was pretty much guaranteed a good time. Especially since this medic is pretty hell bent on having a good time. I like to work with people who have a philosophy similar to this: you should be able to have fun at work, when you can, everyday, because misery sucks. It's a philosophy, or something like it.
I am not sure what is going to happen permanently, I guess the big-wigs are still working it out. I hope that this current situation doesn't become the norm, because I don't want to screw up anyone else's shift and happiness. I figure the supervisors are going to work it out well enough, and I figure I should have faith. And, for the most part, I do; but, I am ever the pessimist. So, there is a bit of doubt. I am working to squelch the doubt. Right now it remains unsquelched.
As for anything else that might be interesting:
Going to--finally!--sign my lease tomorrow. Then I am going to see Nancy.
Friday I am having lunch with Emily and doing nothing else but probably packing, watching new Fringe, and going to bed as soon as possible.
I have an 0430 shift Saturday morning. And Sunday morning. And then after that I guess I will find out the solution to this problem. In the meantime, I am not going to worry. Good people are handling it and I have two days in which I can revel in unconcerned content in regards to work. And instead I can worry about moving and friends with cancer and money and that weird pain in my back that I think is there because I am overweight or sit down all day or lift people wrong or I'm cursed.
Yeah, that's a much better way to spend my time.
Let the worry rumpus begin.
I Might Try Hard, But It's Too Hard to Avoid
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